Week 1 Group Meeting Agenda

1. Get to Know Your Group

You can find your groups here:

  • Groups!

In your assigned groups, do the following:

  1. Introduce yourselves and get to know one another. Your ultimate goal for this session will be to find 3 things you all have in common and 1 thing that is unique to each of you. Keep in mind, the things you have in common should not be “We’re all students at UCSB” or “We are engineering students” (that’s pretty low-hanging fruit). Instead, really try to find out what you have in common, and don’t forget about figuring out what is unique to each of you in the group.
  2. Come up with a group name. While I can just call each group by number, it would be better (and more relatable) if each group came up with a short group name.

2. Share Contact Details

You will be meeting regularly with your group members. Share phone numbers/emails/other contact details, start a group text or something, and otherwise make sure you can stay in touch. You might think about using Slack or Discord for this purpose in addition to (or instead of) text chains.

3. Talk about Research

Take a few minutes to discuss the readings (skim them if you haven’t read them yet, and/or have someone summarize them), and particularly to discuss what your experiences with research are. What do you even mean when you say “research?” Does everyone have the same definition? What counts as research, and what doesn’t? What criteria do you use to make those distinctions?

This is also an excellent opportunity to discuss your personal and professional interests (which are things you’ve likely done some research to learn more about).

Once you’ve done all of the above, you can move on to writing your first progress notebook.
